Karapan is a traditional cow racing from Madura, East Java. Most people Madura assume that karapan not just an annual traditional party. But for them, karapan is a symbol of prestige that can raise the dignity of the people of Madura, because the cows are used to match the games has very good quality and special.
In celebration of this karapan, the owners pride at stake. If they win the game, in addition to prize money from the organizers, they also get money from betting they do. If they lose this game, the owner will fell out of much money, because the treatment before the game was very expensive. Usually they hired a shaman to help keep the cows safe from attacks their enemies shaman.
Karapan celebration is held once a year, but to get to the finals, participants must meet the first few stages. There are two kinds of celebrations karapan dimadura cow, the first is the President Cup and the Regent Cup. Regent cup is usually held twice a year, the winners of this cup regents will continue the game normally to the President of the cup. The event was held in the city of Bangkalan and celebrations between September or October.
In the event karapan, the audience not only intertained with race and agility of the jockey, but before the race starts, they will be intertained by the ritual procession held by the cows owner around the the race track. Accompanied by Soronen, traditional musical instruments of Madura, making this event more festive .
The length of the route path karapan between is 180 to 200 meters, which can be completed within 14 sd 18 seconds. The speed of these cows, but because of shrewdness jockey, sometimes makes the bamboo used to tread the jockey flying in the air because these cows running speed.
Karapan dimadura is a very unique performances, but has inherited a tradition to the next is also waking up to now. This event was used as a tourism event in Indonesia, and not only local tourists, foreign tourists were many who witnessed this karapan.
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